Important Chart Symbols
Found on Charts
The second 'always just below' symbol should have a dashed line around it versus a solid circle.

Written on Charts
These are symbols a navigator uses and draws on a chart.
Position Fix
Answers the question of where you are within a good degree of accuracy.

Estimated Position
Answers the question of where you ended up, or what happened to you.

The waypoint is where you want to go.

Dead Reckoning (DR)

Not worried about tide, wind or leeway.
Water Track

The water track is where we think the boat went through the water. Answers the question, what direction did we point our boat? Boats, have one bow wave, so we have 1 arrow.
Groud Track

If you traced a line on the seafloor, where would the boat go. 2 Arrows for 2 feet on the ground.
Tidal Set/Drift

If you traced a line on the seafloor, where would the boat go. 3 arrows, like waves.